- (2022-01-15) YouTube livestream from Annie Bloom's Books selections from Dear John and other works with Christopher and Angelo Luna
- Pictures of Poets began as a portrait project inspired by the larger than life works by American artist, Chuck Close. ... The intended experience is to stand in front of a poet and, with headphones in/on, cue up the audio, transporting the words, formed by the poets own breath, directly into your ears.
- KMUZ: Talking about Art with Laura LeHew and Anita Sullivan (3/10/17)
- Laura LeHew - Lane Community Writers Series - November 3, 2016
- Nicole Taylor and Laura LeHew share Nicole's poetry at the February 28, 2016 Lane Writers Reading Series (LWRS) reading.
- Oregon Poetic Voices - 3 poems
- The Poetry Stage 2015 - 01e Sun. - Laura LeHew
- Laura LeHew - Lane Writers Reading Series - December 28, 2014
- Laura LeHew - CCA MFA in Writing 10th Anniversary Reading